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9th Annual EAEPE Pre-Conference for Young Scholars

EAEPE organizes together with the Philosophy of Economics Working Group of the INET YSI the 9th Annual EAEPE Pre-Conference on "Power of economics without power in economics?". The Pre-Conference will be on 12th September 2023 in advance of the main conference, Leeds, UK. The Pre-Conference Workshop will host a day of inspirational talks by invited speakers to address the dimensions of power in relation to ecology, the future of work and gender. We are pleased to announce the following talks on Power and Ecology with Franklin Obeng-Odoom, on Power and Gender with Melissa Langworthy and on Power and the Future of Work with Charlie Dannreuther. More Info here. Download pdf Call here.

35th Annual EAEPE Conference - Final CfP - Abstract Deadline EXTENDED

This is the final Call for Papers for the 35th Annual EAEPE conference, to be held in Leeds, UK, from 13-15 September 2023. The call is available online here and for pdf download here. The deadline for abstract submission is extended till 15th of April. The final Call contains information on conference fees for (a) face-to-face conference particpiation and (b) online participation. Submit your abstract to the main conference theme, special session or research area here.

16th EAEPE Summer School (Rome, IT), 3-6 July 2023

The EAEPE Summer School is open to PhD students and early-career researchers working in particular in the field of institutional and evolutionary analysis, with a special focus this year on: "Economic policy and welfare in a context of high inflation". Details in the Call for Participation. Here for Download.

EAEPE Workshop - Political economy associations

We are happy to invite you to EAEPE's Online Workshop "Political economy associations working together for a more inclusive and diversified economics", January 27, 4.-6. pm CET, 2023. Panelists: Surbhi Kesar, Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven, Charles Dannreuther, Marcella Corsi. Chair: Agnes Labrousse. Detailed Info here.

Conference Programme in the making

Thanks a lot for all the conference registrations. We are currently working on the detailed conference programme. Looking forward to a great conference in Naples in September. Conference infos and updates under Annual Conference subsites. For any queries concerning the conference, please contact

34th Annual EAEPE Conference  - 2nd CfP, Keynotes, Extended Deadline

We are happy to announce the 2nd Call for Papers for the 34th Annual EAEPE Conference, with great news to share. This year's keynote speakers will be Laura Carvalho and Eve Chiapello. We are very happy about that and are looking forward to a great event in Naples, with a HYBRID format. Online participation will be possible for an online fee. Download the 2nd CfP with an extended deadline for abstract submission till 15th of April 2022. Looking forward to your submissions!

War in Ukraine

In the same direction as the vote of the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday March 02, vote to reprimand Russia for invading Ukraine and demanded that Moscow stop fighting and withdraw its military forces (, EAEPE condemns the missile attack on the University of Karhkiv:

The Ukrainian and Russian academies have made huge contributions to our understanding of the world and to humanity itself. This is a brutal attack on this rich contribution. We have been contacted by our Ukrainian colleagues who are trapped in this hell. We invite all our colleagues to mobilize our scientific networks and our knowledge to support the population and to prepare the help and the reception of the refugees, collateral victims of this arm wrestling. Also if you are able to make a donation to please support Red Cross Ukraine ( ) and/or to Caritas Ukraine (

Solidarity with our friends in the Ukraine

EAEPE has long promoted collaboration and cooperation across Europe and beyond to encourage the sharing of ideas and promotion of better understanding among our academic colleagues. It is therefore with great sadness that we hear this morning of a state of war between Russia and Ukraine, two countries that have been close partners with EAEPE in the past.

EAEPE2021 - Video Recordings

Video recordings of main sessions and parallel sessions are online now, see conference agenda and programme. Programme recordings are accessible only to EAEPE members and conference participants.

EAEPE2021 - Joan Robinson, Herbert Simon and REPE Awards

We are happy to announce that the 2021 Joan Robinson Award for the best book goes ex aequo to Isabella Weber, Franklin Obeng-Odoom and Jean-Christophe Graz. Please have a look at the Robinson Award page where you can find links to the books as well as statements from the Award winners. The 2021 Herbert Simon Award goes to Patrick Mellacher for the best young scholar paper at the conference, see details at the Simon Award page. The first REPE Award for the best paper in the Review of Evolutionary Political Economy goes to Steffen Bettin, see REPE Award page. Congratulations to the award winners!!

Covid Responses and the threat to Higher Education

CPERN, in collaboration with EAEPE, SASE, ESA CPERN, BISA IPEG, and IIPPE hosted a discussion on 8 July 2021, with Henry Giroux, Laura Horn and Sam Dallyn. Our aim was to raise awareness and solidarity for colleagues under pressure from university managers who are using COVID to mainstream their economics and management programmes and to worsen their employment relations. The full recording is available here:

33rd Annual EAEPE Conference - 2nd CfP - Keynotes, Switching to ONLINE Conf and Pre-Conference Announcement

The 2nd Call for Papers for the 33rd Annual EAEPE Conference is ready. The conference will be held ONLINE, more info here. Furthermore, we are happy to announce Stephanie Kelton (tbc) and Joseph Stiglitz as keynote speakers. The 7th Annual EAEPE Pre-Conference for young scholars will be held from 1-2 September. Online Abstract Submission and Special Session Submission for the conference are open. Download the 2nd CfP here.

33rd Annual EAEPE Conference - 1st CfP - Submission Open

We are happy to announce the 1st Call for Papers for the 33rd Annual EAEPE Conference: Recovery from the Covid-19 Pandemic: Re-thinking the role of the State towards safe, cohesive, sustainable, and innovative economies. The conference will be hosted by the Parthenope University of Naples, School of Economics and Law, from 2nd to 4th September, 2021. Online Abstract Submission and Special Session Submission open. Download the 1st CfP here.

GOT KIES - EAEPE panel debate | Innovation at the Intersection of Public and Private Forces

A joint GOT KIES - EAEPE panel debate on Innovation at the Intersection of Public and Private Forces: Are there distinct roles for market and government? confronted the differing perspectives of Professor Mariana Mazzucato, UCL, London and Professor Maureen McKelvey, University of Gothenburg, leading the GOT KIES network. The panel debate was moderated by Professor Nathalie Lazaric, Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS GREDEG in France; Visiting Professor at the University of Gothenburg; and President of the European Association of Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE). More info here with access to the recording:

EAEPE 2020 - Kapp & Simon Awards

Hereby we would like to congratulate the 2020 prize winners for their outstanding submissions for the EAEPE 2020 William Kapp and Herbert Simon Award. The 2020 EAEPE-Kapp Prize went ex aequo to (1) Alberto Botta, Eugenio Caverzasi, Alberto Russo, Mauro Gallegati and Joseph E.Stiglitz for their article on Inequality and finance in a rent economy Journal of Economic Behavior and organization (2019), (2)  Claudius Gräbner, Philipp Heimberger, Jakob Kapeller and Bernhard Schütz Structural change in times of increasing openness: assessing path dependency in European economic integration, Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2019), and (3) Francesco Lamperti, Valentina Bosetti, Andrea Roventini and Massimo Tavoni for their article on The public costs of climate-induced financial instability, Nature Climate Change (2019) 9: 829–833. The 2020 EAEPE-Simon Young Scholar Prize was awarded to Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven for her conference article on Beyond the stereotype: Restating the Relevance of the Dependency Research Programme.

Racism and Economics

EAEPE fully supports The National Economic Association in its statement to Stand in Solidarity with Those Who Are Protesting Anti-Black Racism and its Manifest Violence Against the Black Community. You can also endorse their statement here. EAEPE is a powerful proponent of pluralism that embraces diverse perspectives to interrogate the real world political economy of our times. Yet the representation of people of colour in our communities is very limited and many core assumptions in economics remain unchallenged. The “Black lives matter” movement should be the driver for change both in our academic societies and in economics more broadly. We commit ourselves to actions that will contribute to addressing racism and discrimination in higher education, increase the representation of people of colour in EAEPE’s communities, challenge white supremacy in its various forms in economics and contribute to the transformation of the curricula such that they incorporate issues of race and injustice in a systematic way. As a Council we welcome proposals in this direction and we look forward to working with communities of black economists.

Academic Freedom In Hungary

Academic freedom in Hungary has suffered from significant attacks that have undermined the independence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Hungarian universities are also not exempt from harassment by the government and have seen a decrease of state funds. “The aim of the government has been the destruction of the academy’s independence and self-government. This has taken place throughout the total reorganization of the network of research institutes that brings together approximately 5,000 researchers. “(Halmai, 2019). These blatant violations of academic freedom, which on paper is still part of the Hungarian Fundamental Law, are in direct conflict with membership of a Eu222ropean Union that is based on the values of fundamental rights. The EU has also failed to stop the forced departure of a globally respected academic institution from the country, and the undermining of the academic autonomy of the national universities and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

As an association that is firstly concerned with the promotion of pluralism in economic debates, EAEPE cannot be silent on this situation. We ask for vigilance in the dispersal of European funds that support the development of higher education. These must continue to encourage debates that are open and to embrace the breadth and richness of knowledge associated with Europe’s values of tolerance and respect

EAEPE asks its members to relay to all networks the critical situation of this country and supports our Hungarian colleagues in their effort to defend their fundamental values, freedoms, and pursuit of academic pluralism. To know more, please read:  Gabor Halmai (2019). “The End of academic freedom in Hungary”, Droit et Sociétés.

EAEPE 2020 - The 32nd Annual EAEPE Conference and Pre-Conference - Bilbao, Spain

We are happy to announce the 2nd Call for Papers for the 32nd Annual EAEPE Conference: The Evolution of Capitalist Structures: Uncertainty, Inequality, and Climate Crisis, with Keynotes by Genevieve leBaron and Robert Skidelsky. Download the 2nd CfP.  Abstract Submission is open here! There will be a Young Scholars Pre-Conference held from 1-2 Sept 2020, see here. See confirmed Special Sessions here. See Research Area specific Calls here.

Please Sign Statement on Violence at Jawaharlal Nehru University

Many have followed the news on the crisis at Jawaharal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi, India. For some background have a look at: Please consider to help raising international awareness about the issue and sign following petition:

EAEPE 2020 - The 32nd Annual EAEPE Conference - Bilbao, Spain

We are happy to announce the 1st Call for Papers for the 32nd Annual EAEPE Conference: The Evolution of Capitalist Structures: Uncertainty, Inequality, and Climate Crisis. The conference will be hosted by the Department of Applied Economics V,  Faculty of Economics and Business, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU from 2nd to 4th September, 2020. Download the 1st CfP.  Abstract Submission opens on the 7th of January 2020!

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