The 32nd Annual EAEPE Conference 2020


The Evolution of Capitalist Structures: Uncertainty, Inequality, and Climate Crisis


EAEPE will hold the conference online due to the COVID-19 pandemic

2-4 September 2020


Keynote Speakers

Genevieve leBaron, University of Sheffield

  «Combatting Modern Slavery»

Robert Skidelsky

In recent decades, the global spread of economic liberalization and financial deregulation, has inserted the former socialist economies (e.g. China and Central Europe) into international markets. This has generated deep structural changes in both the evolution of advanced, emerging and developing economies and the global distribution of growth and human development. Many advanced economies implemented economic and welfare reforms to reduce unemployment and match rising competition from these new international actors. Employment policies evolved into labour market policies to promote greater flexibility instead of workers’ rights and wages. Similar processes have occurred in emerging and developing economies.

Since the implementation of the policies of the Washington Consensus, governments opened their economies and markets to domestic and international competition and integrated into regional governance systems such as the European Union, the European Monetary Union, the NAFTA, Mercosur, etc. Financial deregulation was one of the outcomes of such policies, which significantly increased the impact of volatile global markets on national economies. Now national financial regulators face challenges in supervising globally mobile financial capital and recurring financial crises have become more widespread due to greater interconnectedness of financial systems.

The globalization process, labour market reforms and technological change, have in many cases, generated high structural unemployment, a decline in labour incomes and security and segmentation in labour markets. In most countries, income distribution inequality, both personal and functional, has increased. This inequality has created additional global economic problems, such as greater economic and financial instability, higher poverty rates, and a stagnation of private consumption that leads in turn to lower rates of economic growth and even secular stagnation. Polarisation of incomes increase in private indebtedness, and youth unemployment remain highly problematic in both.

The impact of these structural changes has accompanied a squeezing of public sector capacity to deal with the rising need to protect people through the social and redistributive policies. Governments are expected to be smaller but more efficient despite shrinking fiscal space. Dominant fiscal policies, which are still oriented to reducing the size of the public sector, sustain and control fiscal imbalances.

For the first time in decades there are signs that global economic integration is now threatened, while challenges posed by the processes of internationalization and globalization, rising inequality in income distribution are accompanied by new forms of risk. Greater military and environmental insecurity has forced people from their homes to seek safety abroad. Environmental collapse has changed from a possibility into a process and, soon, an inevitability. National political systems, including democracies, have been stressed by these changes creating hybrid forms of authoritarianism. International forms of cooperation that were seen to order world politics are also experiencing dramatic change.

Given the uncertainties and complexity of these structural changes and the threat of an increasingly instable global ecosystem, alternative theoretical and methodological approaches capable of representing and interpreting these disequilibria are required. The conference invites delegates to open up their discussion of the dynamics of economic evolution in late capitalism and to test established and novel interpretations of capitalist structure.

These might include stock-flow, integrated assessment, agent-based modelling and network analysis or they may address particular challenges such as the consequences of cumulatively worsening climate change. Macroeconomic policies need to gain new inspirations from ecological economics and political ecology, e.g. steady-state perspectives or even confronting the growth imperative of capitalist evolution. We may also address how hegemonic political economic goals, such as achieving price stability and controlling public debt via austerity policies make it difficult to provide the necessary means for labour and the environment.

The conference will provide unique opportunities to revisit the foundations of inequalities and structural change, to discuss alternative points of view at the macro, meso and micro levels, and to enrich traditional evolutionary background with diverse fields such as complexity science, biology, political and international studies, development studies, physics, philosophy sociology, history of thought, and management science among others. The aim is to provide new empirical evidences and fresh insights for policy makers to understand the complexity of structural change and to redefine innovation and formulate new innovation policies. In doing so we aim to allow a rethinking of the role of the State in relation to transition issues; to define and build commons to manage environmental issues; to establish new partnerships with developing countries; to investigate new ways of consuming and producing; to shape new institutions to manage these structural changes; to redefine social interactions related to demand and the labour market; to define new business models relevant to the internet age; to identify new organizing principles in the context of a knowledge economy; and to finance and participate in a greener economy

Abstract Submission

You are invited to submit an extended abstract no later than April 30 on the conference website. Following the usual format, prospective participants are invited to submit a paper related either to the theme of the conference or one of the diverse EAEPE Research Areas as well as special sessions. Abstracts (300-750 words) should include the following information: authors’ names, email addresses and, affiliations, and name and code of the relevant research area. Following notification of acceptance, you will be invited to submit the full paper. Please have in mind that only one presentation per author is allowed; additional papers can be submitted by the same author but need to be presented by a registered co-author, if accepted by the scientific committee in advance.

Abstract submission closed.

Special Sessions and Topical Research Area Calls

Special Session submission was evaluated by the Council. You can find the titles of approved Special Sessions here:

Special sessions are open for submissions by selecting the related item in the abstract submission form menu.

Please find topical research-area specific calls here:

Scientific Committee

Philip Arestis (University of Cambridge); Andrea Bernardi (Oxford Brookes University); Charlie Dannreuther (University of Leeds); Wolfram Elsner (University of Bremen); Sebastiano Fadda (University of Rome 3); Jesus Ferreiro (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU); Jean-Christophe Graz (University of Lausanne); Eckhard Hein (Berlin School of Economics and Law); Agnès Labrousse (University of Amiens); Catherine Laurent (INRA); Nathalie Lazaric (UCA, CNRS GREDEG); Oliver Kessler (University of Erfurt); Ronen Palan (City University of London); Marco Raberto (University of Genoa); Manuel Scholz-Wäckerle (Vienna University of Economics and Business); Smita Srinivas (LSE, Open University); Pasquale Tridico (University of Rome 3); Ulrich Witt (Max Planck Institute)

 Important Dates          

  •  extended to 30 April, 2020: Abstract Submission Deadline for all kind of sessions
  • 15 May, 2020: Notification of Abstract Acceptance; Registration Opens
  • 15 June, 2020: Early Registration Closes
  • 3 July, 2020: Late Registration Closes (for authors to be included in the scientific programme)
  • 31 July, 2020: Submission of Full Papers Deadline

Conference Fees

  • 90 euros: for early registration, EAEPE members
  • 130 euros: for early registration, those who are not EAEPE members
  • 120 euros: for late registration, EAEPE members
  • 160 euros: for late registration, those who are not EAEPE members
  • 25 euros: special rates for PhD and master students
  • 50 euros: a limited number of subsidized fees (subject to application) will be made available for delegates from Eastern European countries, from Greece/Cyprus and from developing countries. Please make an application in advance to Charles Dannreuther ( ) and Oliver Kessler (

Fee Waivers

There is a fee waiver policy for a limited number of students and early-career researchers with papers accepted for presentation at the main conference. To be eligible for the fee waiver, you need to be a Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD student and have an accepted paper at the main conference. Applications for fee waivers have to be made through our website till June, 25, 2020 latest ( Please submit your full paper and a written statement from your supervisor or a faculty member of your study or PhD program (or similar), confirming that you do not receive financial support for participation at the conference. Decisions will be based upon the quality of your conference paper. You can make your conference registration after decisions have been made, there will be sufficient time.



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