EAEPE Young Scholars Pre-Conference 2018

 30th Annual Conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy

Nice, France, 6 - 8 September 2018

Pre-Conference: 5 – 6 September 2018

 The European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) seeks to institutionalise and to deepen the involvement of and exchange with young scholars (YS) and student initiatives at the Association’s Annual Conference. One of the key forums for young scholars at EAEPE is the annual pre-conference, a series of workshops by distinguished scholars, accompanied by social space to interact and network. Organised by a team of young scholars, pre-conference was first launched in Genova (2015) and this year will be in its 4th edition. The number of participants has been constantly growing and therefore in 2018 pre-conference team has introduced a motivation letter as part of the registration / admission process.

The workshops will last between three and six hours and will be held over a period of two half days (September 5th afternoon and September 6th morning). Participants will be assigned a few reading materials prior to the pre-conference to facilitate the workshops and to help sustain the network. The workshops aim at facilitating interactive discussions and, therefore, participants are expected to actively contribute to the discussions. Participants will be able to attend 2-3 workshops from the list below:

  • Erik Reinert (Tallinn University of Technology & The Other Canon Foundation): Thorstein Veblen: Economist for an Age of Crisis
  • Agnès Labrousse (Université de Picardie - Jules Verne): Historical institutionalism in economics and beyond: methodological and epistemological principle
  • Özlem Onaran (University of Greenwich): The interaction between economic growth, demand and distribution and economic policy in Europe
  • Alessandro Caiani (Università degli Studi di Pavia): Agent Based-Stock Flow Consistent Modeling

 More detailed schedule is available here.

 All pre-conference participants are warmly invited to participate in EAEPE’s main conference as well.

Young Scholar Papers at the main conference

Young Scholars and students are invited to present research papers in the regular paper sessions at the main conference. Conference sessions are organised according to EAEPE’s Research Areas, to a special conference topic, and a number of special sessions. Presentation topics might be related to the conference theme Evolutionary foundations at a crossroad: Assessments, outcomes, and implications for policy makers (please see General Call for Papers) or to any of the usual topics covered by EAEPE’s Research Areas. Abstract submission needs to be done through our website and closes on 15 April 2018. You will need to create a user account to submit an abstract. Please see the Conference CfP for further instructions.

The Herbert Simon Prize

Young scholars are encouraged to submit their research paper for consideration for the Herbert Simon prize. The prize is awarded for the best conference paper of scholars younger than 35 years. The best three papers shortlisted for the prize are invited to give a presentation in a high-profile special session.

Please apply for the pre-conference workshops through the EAEPE website by July 15 , 2018. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. To apply/register, you need to be a paid up EAEPE member. Membership for students and young researchers is €25/year and gives you access to the Journal of Institutional Economics, besides other benefits. During the application, you will be asked to upload a short motivation letter (300 words) and select your choice of parallel workshops.

Registration fees

In order to avoid last minute cancellations and to cover part of the costs (catering, conference material, rooms, etc.), there is a registration fee of 90€ payable upon web registration. This fee gives you access to both pre-conference and main conference.

Financial support

Submission of fee waiver applications closed on May 31 but there is a limited amount of travel stipends available to young scholars who (1) do not have institutional financial support  (2) who will participate in the pre-conference and (3) who have a paper accepted for presentation at the main conference. Shall you apply for a travel stipend, please explain your reasoning and financial situation in the Motivation Letter. Notifications about travel stipends will come together with acceptance letters, i.e. will be issued on a rolling basis throughout June-July. 

We are looking forward to your participation and lively discussions in Nice! Please check our website for more detailed information and updates about the conference. For any questions, please contact the pre-conference organizing team – Madeleine Jonsson, Olga Mikheeva, Madeleine Böhm, Merve Burnazoglu, Krisztina Szabó and Mira Toumi – at eaepe.preconference@gmail.com.


Download 3rd CfP

Download Schedule