EAEPE Summer Schools
EAEPE Summer Schools are open to PhD students and early-career researchers working in the field of institutional economics and evolutionary analysis broadly defined, in the spirit of pluralism consistent with the EAEPE Theoretical Perspectives and Research Areas. Lectures by internationally-renowned scholars are held in the morning, while afternoons are devoted to presentations by the delegates.
The first EAEPE Summer Schools were organised in 1996 (Ribadesella, Spain), 1997 (Hania, Crete, Greece) and 1998 (Kenmare, Ireland) on the topic of 'Institutions and Technology: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on European Economy and Society in an Era of Rapid Change'.
60-70 people took part in these hugely successful, 10-night events that were funded by grants from the European Commission and the Foundation for European Economic Development (FEED). The Summer School Organising Committee consisted of Geoffrey Hodgson, Tony Lawson, Klaus Nielsen and Andrew Tylecote, joined by Ash Amin for the third edition.
Since 2010, EAEPE has renewed the tradition of organising an annual Summer School. The 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 editions, each focusing on a specific theme, have been hosted by the University of Roma Tre (Rome, Italy) and organised by Pasquale Tridico and Sebastiano Fadda. These events attract high numbers of applicants, with roughly 30 PhD students selected to attend each year.
EAEPE has been invited to become a co-organizer of the Summer School of Heterodox Economics hosted by the University of Poznań, Poland. We look forward to this collaboration for future editions.