17th EAEPE Summer School 2024

Economic policies for an equal and just green transition

1 – 4 July, 2024

Rome, Italy

University Roma Tre, Department of Economics. Via Silvio D’Amico 77, 00145 Rome, Italy

Local organisers: Pasquale Tridico and Sebastiano Fadda

Download Final Summer School Programme

Planet Earth is at a crossroads. Many scientists are raising the alarm that we are closer and closer to the tipping point, facing unprecedented issues in terms of global warming, pollution and biodiversity impoverishment. The anthropogenic causes of this drift are undeniable, and related to a production model that places exploitation at its core. A transition to a more sustainable, inclusive, just and green world is in order. In this regard, however, two further challenges emerge. On the one hand, Governments are implementing policies that are too hesitant (in terms of both size and timing) to address this pressing scenario. On the other hand, the few measures adopted often run the risk of being inequitable, exacerbating the inherently asymmetric and redistributive nature of climate change. The summer school is dedicated to exploring these aspects of public policies for the transition, with a particular emphasis on understanding their socio-economic and welfare implications. By integrating economic principles with a focus on welfare and political economy, the event strives to contribute to a sustainable and resilient future for generations to come. In the spirit of pluralism characteristic of the EAEPE, the lectures will address these important topics from different perspectives and approaches.

The EAEPE Summer School is open to PhD students and early-career researchers working specifically in the field of institutional and evolutionary analysis, with a special focus this year on ecological economics and welfare. Lecturers will address these important topics from different perspectives and approaches. Many Research Areas are relevant: Social Economics, Public Economics, Macroeconomics, Labour Economics, Effective Demand, Environment-Economy interactions, Economic History, Evolutionary Economics, Comparative Economics, Industrial Policy, Innovation and Technology, etc. More generally, contributions from all fields using institutional, evolutionary, multidisciplinary approaches are welcome. Lectures by internationally renowned scholars will be given in the morning, while afternoons will be devoted to presentations by advanced PhD students and early-career researchers, who will thus benefit from comments and suggestions from experts in the field.

Application: PhD students can apply by uploading their CV using the online submission form. Advanced PhD students and early-career researchers who would like to present their work can submit their proposal or paper along with their CV using the online submission form.

No Summer School Fee (but 50€ for lunches): Participants are requested to be EAEPE members. For PhD students and those with a gross personal income less than 10,000€ per year a Special Rate Membership is available, at the price of 25€. More information here.

Hotel Accommodation (at Villa Benedetta): Rooms are available, at special prices for the Summer School students. First come, first served policy applies. Rates are the following:

Triple room

106.00 €

Double room

84.00 €

Single room

45.00 €

Price per room per night, breakfast included, city taxes excluded (6.00 € per night per person).

Important Dates

  • Deadline for application: 24 May 2024
  • Successful candidates will be notified by 31 May 2024

For information and contact: summerschool@eaepe.org

Apply here:

List of speakers:

  • Simone D’Alessandro (University of Pisa)
  • Eckhard Hein (Berlin School of Economics and Law)
  • Massimiliano Ferrara (University of Reggio Calabria)
  • Francesco Lamperti (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna)
  • Irene Monasterolo (Utrecht University School of Economics)
  • Francesco Saraceno (OFCE - Sciences-Po)
  • Marco Veronese Passarella (University of L’Aquila and Leeds University)

Organizing and Scientific Committee

Pasquale Tridico (Roma Tre University), Sebastiano Fadda (Roma Tre University and INAPP), Giacomo Cucignatto (SVIMEZ), Matteo Deleidi (University of Bari), Riccardo Pariboni (University of Siena), Walter Paternesi Meloni (Sapienza University of Rome), Davide Romaniello (Vanvitelli University), Luigi Salvati (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Federica Arena (Roma Tre University), Anna Vergnano (Roma Tre University)


Queries about the 17th EAEPE Summer School should be addressed to summerschool@eaepe.org.


Download Final Summer School Programme

Download Summer School Call for Participation!
